Post AP CS Exam

Class dates: May 4 & 8, decompression days (half class taking other AP exams)

Class dates: May 10 & 12, meet the Raspberry Pi Image result for Raspberry Pi

Class dates: May 16 & 18, research and Raspberry Pi project proposal

Class dates: May 22, 24, 26, project and presentation development

Class dates: May 30 & June 1, presentations/demonstrations

  • June 1: last day for seniors!

Image result for Raspberry Pi


Exam Review Day 10: Practice & Review

Class date: April 28

AP College Board has released a practice test: HERE

Image result for overworked high school students

We have reviewed all concepts on the exam. You have come so far since September AND worked very hard. I appreciate that.

Final review day before APCS Exam-you have choices…

  1. Take another practice test
  2. “APCS” topical “camp” discussions (as described last class)
  3. Hatter’s Hall of Fame Ceremony (auditorium)

These are the choices. Each student will make the choice that feels right to him/herself.

You are responsible for your personal choice: You will live with your decision.

APCS EXAM: Tuesday, May 2, 8 AM, A125

Exam Review Day 9: Recursion

Class date: April 26

HW: Full practice test

*How to prepare for the APCS Exam

How to crack the Free Response questions.

College Board hints for doing well on the APCS Exam

APCS review complements from our friends at GA TECH! Image result for ga tech

Image result for recursion

Warm up!…Warm up!…Warm up!…need I say more?

PracticeIt: Recursion-Class assignment 6 EXERCISES (not Self-check)

  • More than 6? Extra Credit!!!

All videos re: Recursion here!

FRIDAY: Your choice….

  1. Additional practice test
  2. “Java Camp” see this link (and watch the second video). It describes a process for discussing, thinking and learning about particular topics that you decide you want to spend time on. Java Camp is about students learning from students (teacher support will be on an “on call” basis).

Image may contain: text

Exam Review Day 8: Practice Test

Class date: April 24


  1. Mind-Growth today’s Free Response Questions (answers will arrive via web link after today’s class)
  2. Multiple Choice Test #2-use your scantron!

Image result for keep calm ap cs exam

On deck:

  1. Wednesday: recursion
  2. Friday: your call (class decides how they would like to spend our last day together before the test)
  3. Tuesday: AP CS Exam
  4. Thursday: Technology Movie Treat!
    1. I need recommendations!!!
  5. Monday & Wednesday: Technology Movie finish and wrap-up
  6. Friday: Hello Raspberry Pi’s!

Exam Review Day 7: Hardware, Software, Internet, Searching & Sorting

Class date: April 20

HW: Compare vs Comparator “Packet”  && Insertion, Selection & Merge Sort questions 

Monday: Practice Test

Size matters…

Image result for power of 10 table

von Neumann Architecture (including fetch cycle)

de Morgan’s Law

logic gates (really good explanation)


Sorting algorithms demo-helpful to see….

equals, compareTo and compare resources HERE!

Sequential and Binary Search resources HERE!

Selection and Insertion  Sort resources HERE!

Merge Sort resources HERE!





Exam Review Day 6: Javadoc & Sweeping Out the Cobwebs in our Spring Break Minds

Class date: April 18               Welcome back!…2 weeks from today….

HW: Ch 1 Hardware, Software and the Internet test corrections && 2015FR MindGrowth

Image result for spring cleaning

Today will be spent cleaning out the cobwebs in our minds-we will use “Practice It” to review our understanding of

  • Arrays & ArrayLists
  • Hierarchies & Interfaces
  • Logic & Loops

Practice It– complete the following questions

  1. Primitive data and definite loops
    1. 2.22 Dollar Figure
    2. 2.23 Dollar Figure 2
    3. 2.30 Nest Loops
  2. Program logic and indefinite loops
    1. 5.3 whileLoop Mystery 1
    2. 5.20 whileLoop Mystery 3
    3. 5.22 deMorgans
  3. Inheritance & Interface
    1. 9.3 Harvard Lawyer
    2. 9.4 Monster Truck
    3. 9.4 Filtered Account
  4. Array & ArrayLists
    1. 10.11 Stutter
    2. 10.20 Comparable Calendar Date
    3. 10.14 remove shorter Strings


This seemingly simple topic is on the AP Exam. Do not forget to be familiar with it!

“ON deck”

  1. sort/search
  2. recursion
  3. ?
  4. Practice test
  5. Practice test

Exam Review Day 5: Class Hierarchies and Interfaces

Class date: April 6     Image result for spring break clip art

HW: Spring Break…sorry, we need to keep preparing, AP Exam is only 5 classes after break.     

  1. Review and correct JM Ch 10 & 12 Tests
  2. Take a full AP Practice exam (Mrs. Fox will supply)
  3. Practice-It Extra Credit available…Ch 8 Classes  & Ch 9 Inheritance & Interfaces
    1. Only 20 problems (at most).
    2. Only available if you did #1 & #2 

APCS review being passed around by APCS teachers-you may find it helpful…

Objects and Classes Introduction videos and course resources HERE

Encapsulation, IS-A, HAS-A, Constructors, Return HERE

Implementing and using Classes HERE

Class Hierarchies and Interfaces HERE

JM CH 12 Review with great resources HERE

Exam Review Day 4: Practice Free Response, Timed

Class date: April 4          Do your best-this will be graded.

Due today: Scantron, Chapters 6 & 7 test reflections.

HW: Mind Growth the 4 problems from today’s Practice Free Response.

  1. Take pictures of your timed work and send to Mrs. Fox via email before you leave class today..
  2. Take today’s work, the solutions and evaluation rubrics home.
  3. Compare your work and CB’s evaluation.
    1. reflect and comment on your work-this is what I will collect on Thursday. Answer this with your comments: What I learned about Java/AP test taking from this free response question….

Tips for taking the test

Image result for students taking an ap exam

We have taken two full AP Exams so far…next up Inheritance review.

Exam Review Day 3: Boolean&If-Else && Algorithms&Iterations!

Class date: March 31     PRACTICE EXAM TUESDAY

Boolean & If-Else videos and course resources HERE

Algorithms & Iteration videos and course resources HERE

“Real Time” practice Free Response problem (the one we did in class on Wednesday) is due in Canvas by midnight tonight to count as full credit. (20 points BTW) Half credit if submitted tomorrow. Quarter credit if submitted Sunday.


  1. for, while, do-while packet (do all exercises in packet)
  2. Wrapper Classes packet
  3. Review and correct JM Ch Tests 6 & 7 (Mind-Growth-why is the correct answer correct, why wrong answer wrong)
  4. Take-home practice exam-use Scantron!


while loop

for loop

enhanced for (for-each)


Wrapper Classes