Welcome to HH APCS!

Pre-APCS Meeting date: June 3

Summer is time for R & R! Enjoy!!!

Summer assignments for APCS:

  1. Sign up @ Remind: inviteRemind2016-2017
  2. APShadowAssignment

Advanced Placement Computer Science is based on the Java language. Here are a few articles about the language:

Why Is Computer Science an Appealing Career Field?

What are some of the reasons you should major in computer science, assuming you do actually enjoy it and find it rewarding (whether you find it difficult or not)? Let’s take a look at what makes computer science a great career field, and why you may find it a rewarding role for your future.

  • High pay. One very good reason to think about computer science for your profession is the salary. As of 2010, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics found that the lowest median pay for computer science jobs came out to $69,160 per year. That is a comfortable living salary, and enough to support a family. That does not mean that it necessarily represents a starting wage, but you may expect to earn a similar figure soon after starting out on the job. Some types of computer science professionals earn more money than others, and seniority can also result in higher wages. At the top of the pile were Computer and Information Systems Managers, who were able to pull in as much as $115,780.
  • Fast rate of growth in some subfields. Not all computer science jobs are growing quickly, but in certain niches, there is fast growth and a lot of opportunity. Computer and information research scientists are showing a growth rate of 15% according to the BLS, and software developers are in an even faster-growing field at a rate of 22%. Computers have become an integral part of our day to day lives, and are essential in numerous different industries, and as a result, computer scientists are needed everywhere.
  • Work in any sector you want. If you are majoring in computer science, you will of course be working with computers, likely in a home office environment (but you may also find some telecommuting jobs available). One nice thing about computer science though is that you can often choose your industry, since computer science majors are needed in so many different sectors! If you have always wanted a job in the healthcare field, you may very well find an opportunity to use computer science to advance healthcare goals. If you always wanted to develop video games, your computer science degree may open doors in that industry. If you want to work in defense, you may find a lot of great opportunities to develop solutions to protect the country from foreign threats. These are just a few possibilities.
  • Enjoy working in an environment where you are respected for your technical expertise. Because computer science is a challenging field and so many people are unable to succeed in it (or decide not to try), it is an area of specialized knowledge where your own knowledge should be respected by your colleagues and bosses. You may work on your own or with a team, but either way, the work you do will require an advanced understanding of computer science. Because of this, you may be well paid and recognized for your hard work.
  • Use your unique talents to solve real-world problems. Many computer scientists feel a genuine sense of pride at their professional accomplishments. When you apply your knowledge of computer science to real-world problems, you provide real-world solutions with measurable results. When you actually see how your computer science solutions are impacting real lives, you may be very happy with the rewarding work you are accomplishing.